Welcome to our new website!

We're super excited to release version 3 of Jewelure.com on a completely new platform with faster, more powerful servers and e-commerce software. It seems like yesterday when we launched our first Jewelure website which contained about 50 products. This was a new concept for us, dedicated to all women's jewelry since we were already successful with our men's line JewelryFresh.com. We were based in Houston Texas back then. Below is a cool shot of our previous building. I definitely miss Texas.

Jewelure Headquarters on 5th floor South Tower from 2008 - 2012

We're now headquartered in San Francisco, CA in the city's premier wholesale jewelry building. With the release of our new site we're currently just below 1000 products. All of the hottest sellers are slowly coming back in stock as our factory is coming off of peak season. This new site will offer faster load times than our previous site, all items categorized nicely into collections that can be accessed from the home page, and a fully responsive design meaning that the site will adapt itself to different devices like tablets and phones so products and text can look their best.

There may be a few bugs here and there but the ordering process is completed tested to be safe and solid. Stay tuned for more great designs! Be sure to follow us on facebook, twitter or Instagram with the links in the footer of the site. Check back often as we will be using this blog more often to talk about jewelry tips, education and updates.


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